Minimalism — How To Start De-Cluttering Your Home


Many people will have spent the lockdowns of the past 16 months reassessing their homes, and likely concluding that our material possessions can often lead to rooms looking cluttered. It has led to a re-emergence of minimalism in interior design.

Minimalism is a trend of eschewing material possessions and accumulating distractions for a simpler design aesthetic – less is more! It can also be a good means of staging your home ready for viewing if you’re preparing it to put on the market, as fewer distractions and clutter will make your home look larger and airier.

Thanks to the likes of Marie Kondo and her books, minimalism has gone mainstream over the last few years as people strive for the sense of calm it can bring during such uncertain times. We have a look at few tips on how to achieve minimalism in your home.


Start with your mind

In a rather Zen association, it can be difficult to archive the minimalist aesthetic until you have accepted in your mind that you can live with an almost Spartan discipline to prepare for your de-cluttered existence. It also has to suit the entire household, so maybe focus on one room, to begin with.


Prioritise what you need 

Next time you feel a spending spree coming on, you need to ask yourself if you really want or need it. To practise minimalism, you need to be able to start living minimally. Replace what needs to be replaced, but avoid making purchases that are redundant and not worth it. Remember Marie Kondo’s mantra, ‘does it spark joy’, and even more, will it continue to spark joy?


Expand to other rooms

If you have started and completed one room, then you may want to expand to others rooms as you gain confidence with your minimalistic style. Take it one room at a time, as it is easier than trying to declutter the entire house in one go!


Regular cleanliness

To maintain the aesthetic, rooms must be cleaned regularly. Dust should not be able to gather in nooks and crannies, and clean surfaces will reflect light better, making spaces appear brighter and airier.


if you’re looking for an interior designers in Chelsea to help you achieve the minimalist style or your own tailored style, get in touch us today.